I still don't have a whole heck of a lot of friends out here yet, and occasionally bouts of loneliness whack me on the head, but to hell with that whole "beggars can't be choosers" deal.
I can't seem to get rid of this weird Chinese girl that has decided to chase me down in the cafeteria each time she sees me so she can sit and interrupt me getting my food groove on. Granted I've only known her for 3 days, but she's earning the stalker status.
Now, I am probably one of the least racist people in the good ol' Red, White, and Blue, but I tend to have a strong distaste for people of that certain Asian persuasion. Blame it on a horribly botched-two-year-crazy-fest with a Chinese ex back in the day. Or the mobs of Chinese tourists that tried to trample my clearly injured foot for the sake of Hello Kitty keychains in Asakusa. And now the slightly lisp-y Chinese sophomore spitting corn in my face while "justifying" her blatant prejudices against Mexicans and Japanese.
I'll just say that I really did give her a fair chance. Actually, when she first asked if I would watch her food so the cafeteria staff didn't throw it away, I agreed. There was an entire table of Asians behind mine, so I assumed she was just getting more food and would sit with them. When she returned and asked if she could sit with me, I agreed then too.
But our conversation went something like this:
CCG (CrazyChineseGirl): *taking a feral bite off her corn cob* So I'm.. erm... Chinese you see.
S: Ohhh.. *flashbacks to traumatic ex, shiver inside* So what area are you from?
CCG: Near Mongolia.
S: In the north, right?
CCG: *apparently hard of hearing* Near Mongo-- OH! Yes! Do you, like, know about other countries and stuff?! Like China?!?!
S: Umm.. I guess? I know more about Japan than China though because--
CCG: OH MY GOD, you, like, totally know that Chinese people kinda hate them, right?
S: Yeah, well it goes both ways, but I can see why considering the political factors. You know, with China pitching a bitch fit everytime the Prime Minister visits Yasukuni, the Japanese imperial bloodlust in WW2, and all that jazz...
CCG: *scary stare* Uhh... the Japanese are traitors.
S: ??? What?
CCG: We believe that Japanese people are actually Chinese. Actually, we think any Asian people are originally Chinese. Did you know there was this huge boat made by this tribe, like, several hundred years ago that left China and NO ONE knows what happened to them!!! ... So we think it's the Japanese.
S: *laughing in her face hysterically*
CCG: ?
S: That's... *hah* .. um... *ha ha* a very interesting theory.
CCG: It's true. It's what we are taught in our textbooks... which are admittedly altered by the government. But it's still true!!
(At this point, I'm seriously starting to worry about this girl. She lived in China until she was 10 then her family moved to the US. I suppose a good bit of brainwashing occuring in those delicate formative years. I tried, to no avail, to explain the Japanese perspective on some issues she brought up, but she wasn't having any of that.)
CCG: I don't really like Latin Americans either... I mean! My mom always told me to never give a Latin American guy your address because *corn flies across the table* they'll follow you to your house, and then wait outside, and then KIDNAP YOU and force you to become a whore!!! ... Or rape you. Yeah. Rape you.
S: O_O *lowers my fork slowly*
CCG: So I'm really suspicious of them, you see. I stay away from them as much as possible. *innocent grin*But I'm not a racist, I swear.
S: Of course not...
CCG: Do you have a boyfriend?
S: Yep. He's Mexican.
Picture the ultimate foot-in-mouth-age I suddenly dumped on her. She had an increasingly horrified expression on her face as we continued to talk. I'm not sure if this was embarrassment at herself or if she considered me a dirty Jap-sympathizer who dates rapists. Either way, my patience was wearing thin, but she left to do homework before I could think of any good ways to scare her off.
None of this was helped by the fact she resembled my ex somewhat.
Well, I thought disaster was averted and my roommate's boyfriend assured me I'd never see her again.
On my break before Painting, I decided to get some lunch so I didn't starve to death in that 3 hour class.
Suddenly I felt a sharp tug on my hair. What the fuck is this, kindergarten?! Who gets people's attention by pulling hair I spun around and found her smiling sheepishly at me.
One of Siani's ultimate pet peeves is DON'T MESS WITH MY HEAD. I despise people touching my head, patting it, leaning on it, pinching my cheeks, and other dumb-fuckery with the most important part of my body. The hair is included in this vicinity.
So I was pretty pissed off actually by the time I even entertained the notion of turning around. This was thinly veiled. I muttered "hi" before walking away and finding a table.
She followed.
She sat down with me. A small part of me thought about smashing my fruit plate over her head.
I really REALLY wanted to eat in peace.
This time she seemed to have learned not to bad mouth Mexicans in front of me, but rambled on instead about how Chinese people are misunderstood and they're just a product of their impoverished environment.
CCG: So they really can't help it, ya know. They grew up on a bowl of rice. The bad manners and everything are just a product of their environment. Like, fate or something.
S: My Mexican boyfriend just spent the weekend in a poor Mexican village in the countryside doing a survey of the people's lives. Many families of five are living off of $45 a month and have no food. Their native language isn't even Spanish, because they're indigenous peoples. Yet despite their desolate circumstances, they still tried to feed him though they had no food for themselves. They were polite and friendly, and forced him to eat before their own kids. And in general, people in Mexico are just like that- even though it's a third world country. Wonderful, warm people.
CCG: .... .... So yeah.... Chinese people can't help it. I really don't understand why so many people don't like the Chinese.
S: *sigh, time to pull out the big guns because subtlty doesn't work on her* Maybe it's just culture differences you know. I did date a Chinese person.
CCG: *eyes light up like Mexican firecrackers* REALLY?!
S: Yeah, I dated a Chinese woman for two years.
CCG: .....................................................................................................OH MY GOD.
S: I'm bisexual, you see.
I really expected her to get up and leave, or find some quick excuse to leave, since I know how low of a tolerance Chinese people tend to have for any sort of homosexuality. A low blow, yes, but seemingly effective.
CCG: That's like... um... so... um..... WOW. I've never met anyone like you before! You're so interesting!!
S: *dies inside a little* Well, I have to be getting to my next class now. So... gottagobye.
I made a quick escape soon after and didn't look back.
She wants to transfer to a "better", more "prestigious" school, so I'm completely encouraging it. Oh, and she's also a nosy bitch who doesn't know the boundaries of personal questions.
I feel like I'm going to have to start going to the cafeteria in sunglasses and a cheap wig.
About Me

- Siani
- I'm an art student with a gypsy soul since I haven't found my place to settle down yet. I'm double concentrating in painting and digital media/art at Tulane University. Previously I lived in Hawaii as a Japanese major for about 3 years before transferring, and was raised in Bumfuck, South Carolina. Sights Currently Set On: Seattle
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